Malayalam SMS

Here You will find a huge collection of SMS in Malayalam. All the SMS are categorized. If you would like to share any of your SMS please add it as a comment to any of the posts.(plz specify ur name too)


Sunday, June 21, 2009


1) Mavil ninnu manga veezhum,Thengil ninnu thenga veezhum,But plavil ninnu planga veezhumo?2) Cycleil poyal cycling aavum but trainil poyal training aavumo? 3) Lunch boxil lunch kondu pokam but,school bag'l school kondu pokan pattumo?4) Bus stopil ninnal bus varum but,ful stopil ninnal ful varumo?Potte oru quarter engilum varumo? 5) silver chain urukkiyal silver kittum, gold chain urukkiyal gold kittum, but cycle chain urukkiyal cycle kitumo?.